Hemp seed is one of the most complete sources of vegetable nutrition known to man. It has a high quality protein that contains all of the essential amino acids in nutritionally significant amounts. Hemp seed oil is a rich source of Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) which are important for optimum health in the body.
Experts describe hemp as a functional food that has constituted an important source of human nutrition since ancient times. Like soyabeans, hemp seeds can be made into numerous, nutritious food products. Once the seeds have been ground, soaked and crushed for their oil content, the resulting seed cake can be used for flour to make breads and cakes, pasta and cookies. In addition the soaked seeds can be made into ‘milk’ , ice-cream and non-dairy cheeses.
Eating hemp won’t get you high. Hemp is a variety of the plant species Cannabis Sativa but contains minute amounts of the psychoactive component THC, too small for even the slightest effect.
The majority of natural fibre clothes & fabrics are made from cotton. Cotton, the dominant global natural fibre crop, though described as natural (being a plant) is also the most environmentally harmful; using 30% of the world’s agricultural chemicals. This mass use of chemical herbicides, pesticides & fertilisers has kept the price of cotton low. Larger quantities of chemicals are increasingly required to battle the rising immunity of pests & weeds.
Hemp, by comparison, needs little to no fertilisers & pesticides and being a weed cannot be used with herbicides. Hemp can use as little as a fifth of the water needed for cotton growth. Hemp can provide 3 times as much fibre per acre and produces a better quality fibre when grown organically.
- Hemp gives 3 times as much fibre pre acre than cotton
- Hemp requires only 1/5 of the water needed to grow cotton
- Hemp fibre is the softest plant fibre in the world
- Hemp fabrics have a beautiful drape that is pure luxury
- Hemp needs no chemical herbicides, pesticides or fertilisers
- Hemp clohtes are thermo-dynamic – meaning they ?are the best fabrics to keep you cool when it’s hot & hot when it’s cool
- Hemp clothing is tough and durable, perfect for long lasting quality
Hemp has been used as a bodycare product for centuries. Hemp has the world’s richest sources of polyunsaturated fats, including EFA’s (essential fatty acids) & GLA (gamma Linolenic acid), which are vital to the body, both inside and out & which the body cannot produce on its own. Ceramides are of critical importance to the moisture control of the skin, one comes from Omega 6 – Linoleic acid. Clinical studies have shown that dry skin defects such as scaling or cracking can be reversed by skin care products containing Omega 6 fatty acids. The anti-inflammatory properties of essential fatty acids can further aid in the healing of minor skin abrasions and acne. A deficiency in Omega 6 fatty acids is also associated with eczema and psoriasis due to the regulation of water loss through the skin. Hempseed Oil has excellent emollient & lubricating properties and penetrates deep into the skin – without the harmful effect of parabens, the penetrating chemicals found in most high street cosmetics.
- Contains no petroleum based products
- Increases the natural moisture retention of the skin
- Can help slow down the effects of skin aging
- Hempseed oil contains the very building blocksof hair, skin & nails
- Using no chemicals in growing, there’s no residue in the product
- Can help, even cure sufferers of dry skin, eczema and psoriasis
Hemp fabrics have now arrived that are so soft, but so strong, breathable but also insulative, drape beautifully and crease less, that even the hardened sceptic understands this plants amazing abilities. As a fabric, hemp is antibacterial, breathable, versatile, strong & durable, ultra absorbent and extremely soft. It can be mixed with silks, organic cottons & wools and produces a beautiful textile comparable to anything from linen to muslin to fleece and denim; with no compromise on quality or appearance.
- Hemp is only one of 6 genus of plants that enrich the soil
- Softer, stronger & longer lasting. Hemp improves with age
- Recyclable & made to last, it is the oldest known fabric ever to be found
- Hemp fabrics have a beautiful drape that is pure luxury
- Hemp fibre is the strongest natural plant fibre in the world
- Hemp fabrics are thermo-dynamic – meaning they are the best fabrics to keep you cool when it’s hot & hot when it’s cool
- Hemp fabrics have all the style, usability and beauty of linen, but without the care difficulties – it simply creases much less
- Hemp fabrics are the best in the world at blocking out UV rays
Hemp can be made into thousands of materials, from cosmetics to paints, fabrics to foods, with the advantage of being biodegradable & recyclable. Henry Ford’s hemp car withstood the impact of its metal counter part. It can be transformed into cement, tiles, paints, insulation, musical instruments
(with excellent sound qualities), toys and most significantly – fuel.
- Hemp could feasibly replace fossil fuels and power the globe
- Terry Waite has built a house from hemp & praises its sound & heat insulating ability
- Hemp is the worlds most sustainable plant
- Hemp can grow ecologically almost anywhere on the planet
- Hemp is one of only less than ten plants that enrich the soil they grow in
- If Hemp had not been banned early in the 20th cnetury, we would not be in the environmental chaos we now find ourselves in
The landfill sites around the world are testament to the growing need to find a biodegradable & recyclable alternative. Hemp, sustainable & beneficial to
our environment and ourselves fills all of the categories.
Hempseed is one of the most complete sources of vegetable nutrition know to man. It contains a high quality protein with significant amounts of all the Essential Amino Acids. It is a rich source of the two Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) – Linoleic acid(omega-6), alpha-Linolenic acid (omega-3), in addition to gamma-Linolenic acid (GLA, omega-6) and Stearidonic acid (SDA, omega-3) which are vital for the structure and fuctions of cells in the body. EFAs cannot be produced by the body itself. They are vital to human health as they maintain cellular growth, organ functions, vitality and mental state.
The EFAs, found in hempseed oil are present at a naturally occurring ratio of approximately 3:1.This is considered to be one of nature’s most perfectly balanced sources of EFAs. These Omegas are in the perfect ratio for the human body. It has always been an important source of nutrients since ancient times and like soybeans, Hempseeds can be pressed for their oil, ground & milled for flour – Hulled, soaked and squeezed to make milk, ice cream and vegan cheeses and can be sprouted for optimum nutritional content. Hempseed oil also contains GLA, the active component in Evening Primrose oil, which may be useful in the treatment of eczema, PMT, menopause and arthritis.
- As a supplement, hemp improves the skin, hair, immune system, bones and joints
- Has been proven to cure eczema & psoriasis
- Hemp won’t get you high, as it contains negligible amounts of THC, too small for even the slightest effect
Eaten since ancient times, hemp is the oldest known form of agriculture in the world. With it’s ‘Super Food’ capabilities, hemp will revolutionise the
vegetarian diet and bring health and vitality to all.
Until just over 100 years ago, 90% of the world’s paper was made from hemp. It is said to last 50 times longer than paper made from trees. Most people are aware of the environmental damaged caused by deforestation – trees are simply too valuable to us. The processing of wood pulp produces considerable chemical discharge while giving a lower quality of paper. Hemp requires very few chemicals & produces a higher quantity of pulp per acre than timber.
It has an annual turnaround (as opposed to decades for trees!) and can be recycled dozens of times more than wood pulp paper. Between 2001-2003 the manufacturer of our paper has reduced the effluent volumes by 50%. 60% of the annual energy needed is supplied by the nearby river Production wastes are recycled by over 95 percent
- Perfect for artists – Rembrandt, Van Gogh & Gainsborough used hemp canvas with hemp oil paints
- More plentiful than wood, easier to process & better for the environment
- Can be recycled up to 80 times!
- Works perfectly in both Laser & Inkjet printers
The Magna Carta & the King James Bible are written on hemp as well as the first draft of the American Declaration of Independence & the oldest known piece of paper is made from…guess what – HEMP